$4 Million Dollar Verdict Awarded for Birth Injury

Posted on October 22, 2013 at 8:37am by

Our Cerebral Palsy Attorneys Discuss The Great Cost of Medical Malpractice Causing Birth Trauma

Pennsylvania’s Morning Call reports that a jury awarded a verdict of $4 million to a mother and child affected by serious birth injuries. Due to a doctor’s failure to perform a timely cesarean section, the newborn now faces a life affected by cerebral palsy. However, in this case, the mother and child were able to collect a sum of money to help them pay for ongoing medical bills, living expenses and long-term special needs for the future. No attorney or lawsuit can change the past, but at least victims of medical malpractice causing birth injury can receive compensation to lessen the financial burdens that they will face going forward.

Negligence During Birth Caused Serious Harm

The report from the Morning Call noted that both the mother and her physician knew that the newborn was likely to be an especially large baby. An ultrasound that took place four days before the delivery indicated that the baby weighed closed to 10 pounds.

In light of the newborn’s extraordinary size, the mother voiced concerns to her obstetrician about the safety of a vaginal delivery. Despite this, the physician stated that there would be nothing to worry about when the delivery came.

Negligent Physicians Must Be Held Accountable

Days later, the mother was admitted to the hospital while undergoing labor. However, her labor stopped progressing for a period of hours, at which point an expert witness later said that a cesarean section should have taken place. Using forceps, the doctor attempted to extract the newborn, but the baby became stuck on the mother’s pelvis. This delay deprived the baby of oxygen for 3½ minutes and necessitated a transfer to the neonatal intensive unit upon completion of the birth.

The infant stayed in the hospital for the first two months of her life. She was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy and severe nerve damage. The mother suffered significant injuries as well, including incontinence and the loss of the ability to work. She later contacted a birth injury attorney to initiate legal action against the negligent doctor that contributed to her injuries.

All physicians, nurses and healthcare workers involved in the delivery process must be held responsible for the effects of their decisions. No mother, child, or family deserves to suffer hardship and pain because of another person’s mistakes. If such negligence occurs, our birth injury lawyers work closely with the affected families to set things right as best as possible.

We Represent Injured Children and Parents

If your child suffered harm at the hands of an obstetrician, contact our office today. With the benefit of a confidential and free consultation, you can make the best decisions for your family’s future with the help of our cerebral palsy lawyers. Call us at 1-800-460-0606.

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