Autistic People More Likely to Suffer From Diabetes and Heart Failure

Posted on May 21, 2014 at 12:00pm by

According to, a study recently found that adults with autism are at higher risk for a variety of health problems ranging from diabetes and obesity, to heart failure.

The web site reported that in a review of insurance records from nearly 23,000 adults, “medical and psychiatric issues are much more prevalent in those with autism as compared to individuals without the developmental disorder.”

“Nearly all medical conditions were significantly more common in adults with ASD than controls, including diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, epilepsy, sleep disorders, dyslipidemia, hypertension and obesity,” researchers at Kaiser Permanente Northern California said in a study summary.

The researchers reportedly looked at medical records for individuals ages 18 and older, enrolled in the insurer’s health plans between 2008 and 2012 to evaluate the frequency of psychiatric, behavioral and medical conditions.

Researchers found that among people with autism, nearly one third of people had obesity or hypertension, conditions that affected less than 20 percent of those without the developmental disorder.

“Children with autism become adults with autism,” Lisa Croen, who led the study and is the director of the Autism Research Program at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, said according to “Doctors caring for adults need to be aware that adults have autism and an adult with autism could be walking through their door.”

Can I File a Lawsuit If My Child Was Diagnosed With Autism?

This study shows the heartbreaking ramifications of an autism diagnosis. If you have fraternal twins that have been diagnosed with autism, we can help you.

We believe that there may be a link between terbutaline (also known as Brethine, Bricanyl and Brethaire) and autism. The drug has only been approved for asthma treatment, although it is commonly used in preterm labor treatment.

We are looking for parents of fraternal twins because, unlike identical twins, fraternal twins only share 50 percent DNA with their siblings, but face the same exposures during gestation, meaning they are exposed to all substances with their mother, including potentially harmful drugs.

Are your doctors failing to give you insight as to why your children received this diagnosis? If you are the parent of autistic fraternal twins, we need your help. Contact us today. Help us champion this fight.

[Did You Know: One in 68 children in the U.S. is born with autism.]

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys
