Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Posted on January 31, 2008 at 12:22am by
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Here are a few mistakes doctors make that could ultimately cause Cerebral Palsy:

·        The Peacemaker video Leaving a child in the birth canal too long resulting in lack of oxygen to the brain
·        Failure to recognize and treat seizures post-delivery

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Failure to correct an umbilical cord wrapped around a child’s neck

·        Mio nome è Nessuno, Il ipod Excessive use of vacuum extraction
·        Improper use of forceps
·        During fetal distress, opting not to perform a C-Section
·        American Violet dvd Ignoring alterations in the fetal heart rate

Not recognizing or treating changes in the mother’s condition, such as high blood pressure or toxemia

·        The Ten movie download Not treating jaundice in time
·        Click buy Failure to timely diagnose and treat meningitis
If any of these things occurred while you were giving birth and your child now suffers from Cerebral Palsy, think of what needs to be done.  Doctors should be held responsible for their actions—let us help – call the attorneys at Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP at 1-800-460-0606.

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