Choosing a Positive Caregiver is Vital for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Posted on March 14, 2012 at 4:36pm by

Children with cerebral palsy face a variety of obstacles in their lives. If you are the parent of such a child, you may feel you have very little control over how your child develops. While it may be true that your control is limited, one area where you may have a choice is in who cares for your child.

The caregiver for a child with cerebral palsy is probably the most important person in that child’s life. An ideal caregiver can recognize the needs of the child and provide him or her with a loving, positive environment. Sufferers of cerebral palsy may have difficulty expressing their needs, putting them at high risk for unintentional and intentional neglect or even take the form of outright child abuse.

Having a child with cerebral palsy can strain a family, both emotionally and financially. You may feel you have no other option than to care for your child personally, or your state may have assistance programs that give you limited options for caregivers.

There may be no easy answer, but taking the time to consider what your child will truly need, both at the beginning and periodically throughout his or her upbringing, will allow you to choose the best available option. Doing what is best for your child can help ensure he or she grows up to lead a full and meaningful life.

Cappolino Dodd Krebs, LLP – birth injury attorneys


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