Immune System Genes can Affect Pregnancy Outcome

Posted on December 7, 2010 at 7:19am by

A new study has show that genetic factors can both increase susceptibility to and provide protection from common pregnancy issues such as miscarriage, preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction. Interactions between maternal cells and fetal cells are involved in different issues within pregnancy and birth.

Maternal cells known as uterine NK cells and fetal trophoblasts are known in certain combinations to increase the risk of preeclampsia, recurrent miscarriage and fetal growth restriction. On the other hand in other combinations these cells interact to prevent these same conditions.  The fetal trophoblasts seem to be key in the determination of problems that may occur in the pregnancy.

Genetic factors have long been thought to have an effect on pregnancy outcomes including these 3 issues and even some birth defects and abnormalities in otherwise normal pregnancies and births.

This could lead to more genetic testing at the beginning and throughout pregnancy. By monitoring the levels of these cells in the mother and the baby doctors can help prevent problems and increase the chances of a successful full term pregnancy and normal birth experience. Many birth defects have been caused by medical negligence, by unintentional medical mistakes and of course health conditions of the mother. This discovery sheds light on some of the genetic factors which can also affect pregnancy in either a positive or negative way, and provides physicians with more tools with which to monitor and evaluate pregnancy and pregnancy risks.

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