New Documentary on PBS: How to Avoid Birth Injuries

Posted on April 16, 2012 at 9:21am by

The United Brachial Plexus Network (BPI) has released a documentary that warns of the potential birth risks that could lead to brachial plexus injuries. Newborn Birth Injuries: The Untold Story is now airing as a filler piece on PBS stations, with clips available on YouTube and the organization’s website. In the film, medical professionals explain how brachial plexus injuries occur and how to avoid them.

The brachial plexus is a vital system of nerves located near the back of the neck and upper spine. The nerves deliver signals to upper arm and chest muscles. Damage in this region during childbirth can cause serious birth defects, including nerve damage, paralysis, lack of muscle control or sensation, or Erb’s palsy.

According to the documentary, doctors and nurses cause brachial plexus injuries by pulling and twisting on the baby’s head as it exits the womb. The baby can appear “stuck,” so the doctor or nurse attempts to remove it forcibly by the head or neck. Twisting or pulling can damage nerves in the brachial plexus. These injuries can also occur during a C-section.

Most brachial plexus injuries will heal within six months, either or on their own or with the assistance of therapy or surgery. If the symptoms are still present after that time, it is likely that the condition will be permanent.

Every medical professional should know this information. These life-long injuries are entirely preventable, and yet they still happen far too often. Doctors and nurses have a duty to provide competent care for their patients; when they neglect that duty and birth injuries result, the victims have the right to seek justice.

Cappolino Dodd Krebs, LLP – birth trauma attorneys


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