Some Considerations For Disabled iPad Users

Posted on October 20, 2011 at 1:20pm by

There has been a recent surge in the use of new technology for assisting in communication with sufferers of cerebral palsy, namely in Apple’s iPad. Some parents of children with cerebral palsy and other birth defects are finding great benefits in using the iPad to communicate with their child in ways they would have never imagined a few years ago.

There are parents of disabled children who have gone so far as to design applications themselves, using their intimate knowledge of their child’s limitations to create programs that cater to it. Michael Brooks, the father of a daughter with cerebral palsy, set up a website called Mia’s Apps, where other families can download the apps he designed to communicate with his daughter.

The practice of using apps has spread widely enough to create the need for workshops designed around teaching parents how to use technology like the iPad with their children. Such a workshop is being conducted this weekend in Riverside, CA.

As one disability blogger points out, though, there are several things to consider when it comes to using iPads with your child. They are touch-sensitive, requiring a need for coordination. There is also the question of whether you will either need or want to keep updating your iPad each time Apple releases a new model.

Do you feel your child’s cerebral palsy is the result of medical negligence? Are you considering legal action? Share your situation with others like you by commenting below.

If you would like to speak to one or our cerebral palsy attorneys to help get the money you deserve, please fill out our contact form and tell us your story.

Cappolino, Dodd, Krebs – Cerebral palsy attorneys


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