Why Pregnant Women Should Avoid Peanuts

Posted on December 21, 2010 at 6:59am by

There are a million different allergens and items that can affect a child as they go thorough out their day to day life. One of the most common allergies in recent years in children has been a peanut allergy or peanut sensitivity.

A study released by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York indicates that mothers who consume peanuts while pregnant show an increase in the risk of their child developing peanut sensitivity.  Children who have peanut sensitivity or an allergy to peanuts often face difficulties finding foods without any trace of peanuts or peanut oil.

The symptoms of a reaction to peanut products can include rash, hives, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases extreme swelling of the throat causing air restriction that can lead to an emergency room visit. Children who are known to have peanut sensitivity often have other common allergen issues as well.

The study has shown that there is definitely a link between the consumption of peanuts by the pregnant mother and the prediction of peanut sensitivity in an infant. The earlier these types of sensitivities and allergies are detected the easier treating them and preventing reactions is for both the parent and the child.

It can be rather frightening to witness a reaction to peanut products in a child when you have no idea that they even have a peanut sensitivity. Many times all efforts are made to diagnose allergies and sensitivities when the child is as young as possible. All studies and information collected by the medical community are undertaken in an effort to prevent and avoid sensitivities and allergies when at all possible.

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