Tag Archives: medical mistake during birth

Medical Mistakes During the Delivery of Babies

A couple in Chicago received a $3.27 million verdict when a jury found their doctor liable for mistakes made during the birth of the couple’s child. Their lawsuit alleged that the doctor never considered using a Caesarean section despite knowing that the baby was unusually large. The boy’s birth weight was 11 pounds, 5 ounces. The boy’s mother and father argued that the delivery doctor should have informed them of the risks of delivering a baby of that size and the possibility of using a C-section. Instead, the doctor proceeded without a C-section, and the boy’s shoulder became stuck. When the doctor pulled to deliver the boy, he suffered permanent nerve damage to his right arm. Around the same time, another Illinois couple received a $9.5 million verdict when their doctor ordered a C-section too late, leading to cerebral palsy and spastic quadriplegia. The baby showed signs of fetal distress,…
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