Child Suffers Broken Femur During Botched C-Section

Posted on February 22, 2019 at 7:41am by

WJBK-TV Detroit recently had an alarming story about a child whose femur was broken during birth and a mother who is demanding answers. Image of baby hand

According to the news outlet, the child was born via C-Section at a suburban hospital and the mother remembers coming out of sedation and the child being yanked out of her.

“They started tugging on her, I mean pulling with force,” the mother told WJBK. “I woke up out of the sedation and I asked why are you pulling on her like that, that’s very painful. I never got a response, I never got an answer. The room was dead quiet.”

Doctors later determined the child suffered a broken femur. The mother claims after her birth, she did not get to see the child immediately and they took her to get X-rays.

Due to the broken femur, the child, who was born in 2017, now has problems with her balance and stumbling. She reportedly has one leg that is shorter than the other.

“My daughter suffered,” the mother told WJBK. “She couldn’t crawl until she was almost 1. At 1, she should have been able to stand up. She couldn’t stand up. It was more of a stumbling crawl because she couldn’t get the leg to move.”

An attorney representing the woman said that the hospital has acknowledged the situation should not have occurred, but the provider released a statement to the media saying it could not comment on the case.

Birth Injuries Can Lead to Significant Future Medical Costs

Birth injuries can lead to a lifetime of medical costs for victims and family members, as therapies and specialized care can be extremely expensive. This can be especially true for victims of bone or joint injuries.

Your doctor has a duty to monitor any issue that may lead to complications and use care during the birthing process. Pulling too hard on a baby during a surgical delivery and injuring the child is unacceptable.

If your child has suffered an injury due to the negligence of a healthcare provider, our Ryan Krebs, M.D., J.D., is especially quali­fied to handle medical malpractice cases. For a free discussion about your case, call 1-(800)-460-0606.

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys
