In Which Situations Would a Doctor Order a Cesarean Section?

Posted on January 14, 2015 at 12:00pm by

The loss of a child is not something any amount of money can help a family recover from. Unfortunately, the death of a child during a delivery can be devastating emotionally for all parties involved.

A family preparing itself mentally to have a child, and then having that life taken away, is unfathomable. This is why healthcare providers must be held liable whenever negligence contributes to the death of a baby.

Recently, a woman in New Jersey filed a lawsuit against a hospital and its attending staff after her son was pronounced dead after its birth. The woman claimed in her filing that she should have been offered a cesarean birth following labor difficulties.

The child, which was delivered in 2010, reportedly weighed 10 pounds, making him too large to be delivered via vaginal delivery. The baby reportedly suffered bradycardia and was pronounced dead 25 minutes after the delivery.

How to I Contact an Attorney About My Baby’s Cesarean Section Death?

Remember, a hospital should be held accountable if it fails to act in the best interest of a patient. There are many reasons why a doctor would recommend a cesarean section or for a patient to choose one voluntarily. These include complications when a patient develops diabetes during pregnancy, which typically leads to babies with higher birth weights.

Keep in mind, our attorneys include Ryan Krebs, M.D., J.D. who is a doctor. His unique skill set makes him especially quali­fied to handle any childhood trauma case. Contact our experienced injury attorneys today for more information if you child was injured or killed during his or her birth.

Not only can complications during childbirth result in death, they can also result in conditions like cerebral palsy or Erb’s palsy.

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys