Actor’s Son Dies Following Delayed C-Section

Posted on January 27, 2017 at 2:25pm by

Tragically, according to the British media, the son of actor Jamie King, who has appeared on The Tudors, died recently from severe brain damage following his birth. Image of baby hand

According to the Telegraph, the mother involved in the birth had her C-Section delayed for 12 hours and the actor apparently believes it lead to his son’s fatal injuries.

According the news source, the boy lived just five days earlier this month following his birth. A coroner ruled that the boy was “born in poor condition and died due to a delay in his delivery,” the news outlet reported. The child was allegedly deprived of oxygen during the birthing process, leading to severe brain injuries.

King is now urging couples to take notes during deliveries to avoid conflicts with healthcare providers. England has NHS, which provides services for citizens, and the actor has told reporters that parents should be cautious so “no one can twist your story”.

To read about the actor’s ongoing situation, you can click on the source link below. He said he will continue to speak out about delivery malpractice in the country to raise awareness.

Delays During Childbirth Can Be Fatal

This story is a sad reminder that delays by providers during childbirth can be fatal or lead to serious injuries. Botched deliveries occur worldwide, as delays resulting from the failure to order a C-Section in a timely manner include deformities, brain damage, cerebral palsy, erb’s palsy and shoulder dystocia.

Medical providers have a duty to make sure procedures are completed in a timely manner. The failure to do so can devastate a family forever, leaving it in a difficult financial situation and/or emotionally drained. No family should have to grieve over the loss of a child due to medical errors or suffer financially.

If your child suffered a brain injury due to the negligence of a healthcare provider, our Ryan Krebs, M.D., J.D., is especially quali­fied to handle medical malpractice cases. We provide services with unique legal expertise.

Our firm is well versed in birth injury law and each birth trauma attorney can provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to successfully pursue a case.

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys
