How Does Cerebral Palsy Impact a Child’s Movement?

Posted on July 23, 2014 at 12:00pm by

Sadly, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability found in children. image-wheel2

Although estimates vary, studies indicate that cerebral palsy diagnoses occur in 1.5 to more than four children per 1,000 live births. According to the CDC, cerebral palsy is more common among boys than among girls and among African American children than white children.

Unfortunately, cerebral palsy can result in intellectual limitations, hearing deficits, vision impairment, behavioral problems, seizures, speaking difficulties and learning disabilities. The costs associated with treatment are high, as specialized therapy and education needs are often required.

While the disorder is incredibly difficult on victims and their family members, there are always inspirational stories that are heartwarming reminders that some obstacles associated with cerebral palsy can be overcome.

The Huffington Post recently had a story about Ben Jackson, a 20-year-old athlete from Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania, who suffers from spastic cerebral palsy. Because of his diagnosis, Jackson has issues with muscle tone and movement. Nevertheless, this did not stop him from wrestling and competing in international weightlifting competitions while he was in high school.

Jackson has become the subject of a new advertisement from Gatorade, chronicling his determination to live a normal life.

“I think in life, people wait for challenges to come to them. But when you’re born with a challenge, you learn how to overcome that from day one,” Jackson said, according to the HuffPost.

Jackson’s were told that he would never be able to walk by doctors—but he has far exceeded expectations. He not only learned how to walk, he also learned how to ride a bike and play basketball, among other sports.

How Can I File a Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit?

Unfortunately, in many cases, cerebral palsy is caused during delivery if a fetus does not receive enough oxygen. This can occur when there are umbilical cord problems, uterine rupture and eclampsia.

When these issues occur during birth, it is the duty of a medical provider to act quickly to protect the child from ensuing brain injuries. If there is a delay in ordering a caesarian (C-) section, or a doctor has improperly used forceps or a vacuum extractor, a child can suffer injuries resulting in cerebral palsy.

These incidents are unacceptable, and you should seek legal recourse if this happens to your child.

Contact the birth injury attorneys at our firm immediately if your son or daughter is suffering from cerebral palsy, so that we may advise you of your legal rights. It may be possible that carelessness on behalf of your healthcare provider led to a cerebral palsy diagnosis.

For a free consultation with a cerebral palsy attorney, contact Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP today.

[Did You Know: Approximately 44 percent of children with cerebral palsy also suffer from epilepsy.]

Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP – Birth Injury Attorneys
