Category Archives: Shoulder Dystocia

Maryland Lawmakers Contemplating Birth Injury Fund

According to the Baltimore Sun, lawmakers in Maryland are pushing for a bill that would create a fund to help pay for treatment for babies who suffer from neurological injuries during birth. The legislation would let hospitals, doctors with obstetrics and gynecological practices, as well as malpractice insurers, pay annual fees to the birth injury fund, which families could used to pay medical bills, recoup lost earnings potential and cover other costs, according to the Sun. Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Maryland Medical System feel that the fund is needed because of several recent multimillion-dollar judgments in the state. The healthcare providers said that if lawsuits continue to mount, it could lead to some practices closing and reduced access to medical care. “What we would like is a fair shake in cost containment,” Andrew Satin, director of gynecology and obstetrics at Johns Hopkins Medicine, told the Sun. “I…
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Posted in Birth Defects, Birth Trauma, Brain Damage, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Shoulder Dystocia | Comments Off on Maryland Lawmakers Contemplating Birth Injury Fund

Preterm Boys at Higher Risk for Death and Disabilities

According to ScienceDaily, a global study on preterm birth and disability carried out by almost 50 researchers and 35 institutions found that baby boys are at a higher risk of death and disability due to preterm birth than girls are. The news service reported that a report in Pediatric Research indicated that boys are 14 percent more likely to be born preterm than girls are. “Baby boys have a higher likelihood of infections, jaundice, birth complications, and congenital conditions, but the biggest risk for baby boys is due to preterm birth. For two babies born at the same degree of prematurity, a boy will have a higher risk of death and disability compared to a girl. Even in the womb, girls mature more rapidly than boys, which provides an advantage, because the lungs and other organs are more developed,” Professor Joy Lawn, M.D., PhD, a neonatologist and epidemiologist at the…
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Posted in Birth Defects, Birth Trauma, Cerebral Palsy, Erbs Palsy, Premature Birth, Shoulder Dystocia | Comments Off on Preterm Boys at Higher Risk for Death and Disabilities

What are the Risks and Concerns for Shoulder Dystocia During Birth?

Dystocia is defined as difficult or slow delivery or labor.  Pregnancy complications like dystocia can lead to serious medical complications for both mother and baby.  When the baby is being delivered and the baby’s head is delivered but its shoulders are stuck inside the mother’s body, dystocia occurs.  Health care professionals cannot prevent dystocia, but they should be prepared to take action when it occurs. Although no one anticipates infant injury during the birth process, injuries do occur, and unfortunately, they are sometimes due to medical errors on the part of health care providers.  When complications arise during delivery, medical professionals must not delay in acting to prevent injury and possible permanent damage to the baby and mother. Shoulder dystocia can occur due to the following risk factors: The baby is large The mother is pregnant with more than one baby The mother is diabetic (Women who are diabetic are…
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Posted in Birth Defects, Birth Trauma, Brain Damage, Brain Injury, Pregnancy, Premature Birth, Shoulder Dystocia, Wrongful Death | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on What are the Risks and Concerns for Shoulder Dystocia During Birth?