Tag Archives: jaylan norfleet

$21 Million Award in Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit

Jaylan Norfleet is 9 years old. His family’s lawyer says he is “cognitively and mentally” fine, but he struggles with physical tasks. He has trouble moving his legs and controlling his arms. This is because he was born with cerebral palsy, a series of conditions that can affect motor control and cognitive development, often caused by complications during childbirth. According to a Baltimore jury, the hospital is to blame for Jaylan’s disability. Jaylan’s family was recently awarded $21 million in a lawsuit accusing the hospital of negligence during childbirth. The family claims that the Harbor Hospital made an error in judgment when doctors chose to deliver Jaylan via vaginal birth instead of cesarean, resulting in a lack of oxygen. The hospital, which is considering appealing the decision, claims that Jaylan’s premature birth was the cause of his cerebral palsy. Premature birth is certainly a risk factor for birth trauma, but…
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