Tag Archives: martha fountain

Iowa Gives Parents $3.75 Million for Cerebral Palsy Birth

Martha Fountain was 20 years old when she went to the University of Iowa hospital to give birth to her son. The medical staff decided to give her Pitocin, a hormone-based drug intended to speed up delivery. Unfortunately, the drug has an adverse effect in some women that causes excessive contractions that can restrict blood flow to the baby’s brain during pregnancy. The medical staff continued to administer Pitocin even after observing “significant trauma” to the baby’s head due to the difficult birth. Fountain was in labor for 28 hours and eventually delivered via cesarean section. Her son, now five years old, suffers from cerebral palsy and other cognitive impairments. She and her husband sued the hospital for negligence that resulted in her child’s condition. The hospital argued that other factors caused the issues. The state of Iowa agreed to a $3.75 million settlement, avoiding a trial in which Fountain…
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