Tag Archives: oral birth defect

FDA Warns Johnson and Johnson of Topamax Side Effects

According to the Food and Drug Administration, Topamax should be closely monitored for increases in depression and potential mood changes that may result in an increase of suicidal thoughts. Topamax is a migraine and anticonvulsant medication linked to an increased risk of birth defects, specifically oral. Oral birth defects include cleft lip and cleft palate and occur in the first trimester of pregnancy when the lip or palate fails to fuse properly during development. A pregnant woman taking Topamax during the first trimester is 20 times likely to risk their child developing an oral birth defect than a woman not taking the medication, says Reuters. The FDA warns pregnant women that they are at risk of having a baby develop the facial anomalies when exposed to dangerous drugs such as Topamax. While Topamax has an FDA-approved seal to treat seizures and migraine headaches, it is being used off-label by doctors…
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