Tag Archives: shoulder dystocia warning signs

Doctor’s Excessive Force Leads to Newborn’s Erb’s Palsy

One mistake during childbirth can cause permanent complications. According to a recent lawsuit, an Illinois doctor used too much force during delivery, resulting in the newborn’s Erb’s palsy. A woman went to Mt. Sinai Hospital on July 3, 2010 to give birth to her daughter. During delivery, her daughter’s shoulder became stuck behind her mother’s pelvic bone. This situation is known as shoulder dystocia, and it creates a dangerous challenge for everyone involved. Since the baby is so fragile at this stage, any undue stress can cause serious injuries. According to the mother, the doctor used too much force when removing the child and damaged her brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is a bundle of nerves near the top of the spine that controls limb movement. The nerve damage resulted in Erb’s Palsy, a condition that can cause paralysis of the arm. The mother sued the doctor for ignoring the…
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